07 June 2010

Celebrating June!

June has got to be one of my favorite months. Well, it's in the top 5 anyhow. I love to look at all the crazy holidays during the month. My Oriental Trading calendar only has a dozen or so listed during the month. I found these on the web at http://www.holidayinsights.com. I've selected the ones I'm observing. What is your calendar going to look like this month?

1 Flip a Coin Day - I have a hole in the lining of my purse so every coin is sitting in the unreachable bottom. I need to dig down and grab a coin. Maybe I'll flip it to see if I fix my purse or buy a new one.

2 National Bubba Day - I'm not sure who this Bubba is, but I love to call my youngest son Bubba. There is something so southerny sweet about it.

3 Repeat Day - Oh no...this will not, I repeat, not be celebrated in my house!

4 Hug Your Cat Day - It has been a longstanding rule that we will not own a cat. However, our neighbors cat just had kittens and my daughter wants one more than anything else. I guess we can think about it for 12 weeks.

5 World Environment Day - With the whole BP debacle, I'm not sure how well this celebration will go, but here's to the environment. May you stay healthy my friend!

6 National Gardening Exercise Day- I keep looking at my lily bush and saying I should pull off the dead flowers. Then I walk in the house. Doesn't walking count as exercise?

7 National Chocolate Ice Cream Day - There is nothing better in the world than chocolate ice cream!! Heading out to Wendy's for a chocolate Frosty. Well, that's not really ice cream, but it'll do.

8 Best Friends Day - I have so many best friends. Is that weird?

9 Donald Duck Day - I used to do an impression of Donald Duck. It sounded pretty good to me, but my family requested that I never do it again. Try it, though. It makes your mouth feel happy!

10 Iced Tea Day - Mmmmmmmm.... I love iced tea especially when it's sweetened! The best thing about living in the south.

11 Hug Holiday - I'll be getting me some hugs today! I love that my kids all still hug me before they leave the house.

12 Red Rose Day - As a Rose, I will be painting myself red today to celebrate. Or maybe I'll just sit out in the sun at the beach!

13 Sewing Machine Day - My sewing machine is about 30 years old. It had a 25 year warranty. It seemed like such a long time, but now I realize it wasn't long enough. I probably should oil the thing or something, shouldn't I?

14 Flag Day - We have a flag flying all the time at our house. I remember putting our flag out on special days when we were kids. Really a great feeling.

15 Smile Power Day - I guess we will just spend the day trying to get people to smile back at us? How are you supposed to celebrate this day?

16 Fresh Veggies Day - Love my veggies! I was just thinking that I wish we had grown our own this year. I can't believe how expensive they are when you eat the amount you are supposed to.

17 Eat Your Vegetables Day - Veggies deserve 2 days of celebration! W00T for veggies!!!

18 Go Fishing Day - I used to love to go fishing. It was so relaxing until I actually caught a fish. So now when I go, I don't put bait or a hook on the line.

18 International Panic Day - Picnics in Florida are horrible. Too many ants and the grass isn't soft. Enough said. Oh wait, this says Panic Day. Whatever.

19 National Hollerin' Contest Day - Honestly, ask my kids, I could so win this contest!!!

20 Father's Day - Breakfast at church for the dads! It's going to be a great day!!

21 Finally Summer Day- Really, I'm already wanting it to be winter.

22 National Chocolate Eclair Day - The horrible thing about the heat is that you don't feel like eating sweets like this. So I'll be turning on the air conditioning!

23 Take Your Dog to Work Day - My friends love their dogs and would do this. I just hope they don't.

24 Swim a Lap Day - One lap? I bet I could do this...if I wasn't so afraid of water!!!!

25 Log Cabin Day - Honestly, who hasn't dreamt about living in a log cabin. Have you seen these things?

26 Forgiveness Day - I have such a short memory that I forgive people easily. It's when they keep reminding me about stuff that it becomes a problem. I wonder if it's like that with God!

27 Sun Glasses Day - I wear my sunglasses at night.

28 Paul Bunyan Day - When we were kids, we went to Paul Bunyan park. It was my first plane ride!! Loved it!

29 Hug Holiday - I think we already celebrated hugs this month... but what the heck, let's hug again!!

30 Meteor Day - What space nerd thought up this day? Why would I celebrate a huge rock that has the potential to crash into the planet and kill us all? Better hug again.

Have a great June. Don't forget to celebrate!
- My sister's 25th wedding anniversary! I was her bridesmaid. Congrats Dave & JoAnn!
- My niece, Sarah is celebrating her birthday this month. She was born on my sister's 5th wedding anniversary!
- My hubby's birthday because he will be 50 this year. Get the AARP form filled out, honey. We need the discounts!!
- My nephew's birthday...welcome to the teen years Timmy!

There are sad days this month too. Hopefully there will be enough hugs and ice cream to make it through those with a smile!

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