29 June 2010

50 Things I Love About My Kids

The other day, I told my son that I would love him even if I wasn't his mommy. He asked me why and I listed off a few things that made him smile. When I got to seriously thinking about all of the things about my kids that I love, I knew I had to write them down. Try one for your kids, here is mine.

1. They read the back of cereal boxes while they are eating the cereal.
2. They are respectful to other adults, even when I'm not around.
3. They love each other.
4. They are very much like me.
5. They are nothing like me.
6. They like music.
7. They eat fruits and vegetables.
8. They like to tell jokes.
9. They are very good looking.
10.They still kiss and hug me goodbye and hello.
11. They still give morning kisses.
12. They like cinnamon rolls.
13. They like Mexican food.
14. They think I'm funny.
15. They love me.
16. They love their daddy.
17. They love to hear stories about when they were little.
18. They want to hear the stories about when I was little.
19. They know who my friends are.
20. I know who their friends are.
21. They say thank you.
22. They will help if I ask.
23. They volunteer at church.
24. They aren't afraid to talk to adults.
25. They like to hug.
26. They eat my dinner experiments.
27. They think I'm a good driver.
28. They are proud of themselves.
29. They are proud of each other.
30. They like to play games.
31. They know when I'm on an important call.
32. They play together.
33. They talk about their future with me.
34. They are trustworthy.
35. They still like to snuggle.
36. They love their grandparents.
37. They love their cousins.
38. They love their aunts and uncles.
39. They love church.
40. They love God.
41. They are Christians who aren't afraid to share their faith.
42. They say grace at restaurants.
43. They take turns.
44. They can swim.
45. They take it easy on me since I'm afraid of the water.
46. They make their own beds.
47. They know how to make their own lunch.
48. People say they are good kids.
49. They are good judges of character.
50.They love Jesus.

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